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Remarkablogger -
The Broad Brush - http://toddjordan.wordpress.com/2008/03/16/why-sobcon-matters/
Terry Starbucker - http://www.terrystarbucker.com/2008/03/16/why-sobcon-matters-to-me-and-why-it-should-matter-to-you/
Lorelle on Wordpress - http://lorelle.wordpress.com/2008/01/07/sobcon-be-there-for-the-business-of-blogging/
DeafMom - http://putzworld.blogspot.com/2008/03/deafread-folks-send-me-to-sobcon.html
Sheila Scarborough - For those here in Chicago, go get yourself some taste of Chicago at Garrett Popcorn (on my Family Travel blog) and from the Perceptive Travel blog, try deep dish pizza at Lou Malnati's. Also, http://blogs.bootsnall.com/Seafarer/photo-of-the-day-ill-see-this-at-sobcon08.html
Confident Writing - Revealed: what bloggers really do in bed
Build a Better Blog - http://www.buildabetterblog.com/2008/04/biz-school-for.html
Branding & Marketing - http://brandandmarket.com/whats-next-staying-current-and-even-a-little-bit-ahead/
Wired PR Works
SOBCon08 notes - http://barbararozgonyi-wiredprworks.com/category/sobcon08/
Divine Purpose - CK doesn't get bloggers http://divinepurposeunleashed.com/now-you-too-can-meet-your-favorite-blogger/
Think Without The Box - What A Non-Blogger learned at SOBCon08 - http://thinkwithoutthebox.blogspot.com/2008/05/remove-fake-tattoo-at-next-5-minute.html
Earnest Parenting
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