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SOBCon09 -- Biz School for Bloggers!

 (Use the key sobcon08 to edit the page) (to setup an account click -> users )


The conference url is http://www.sobevent.com


It's time to get our details together!!!  


Hotel 71

71 East Wacker Dr.
Chicago, IL 60601

— 312 462 7080

Hey, the SOBCon room rate just went down to $169 - take advantage of this NOW!

Say you want the "SOBCon09 rate"

If you already reserved at $199, don't do anything - your rate just came down too!


Checking in Thursday, April 30 - May 3

Feel free to stop by or call when you get to town.


Liz Strauss

Twitter name: @lizstrauss —  cell 773 619 0371

If you text, please sign it.


Terry Starbucker

Twitter name: @starbucker - cell 914-263-5278

(Mrs. Starbucker and Bearista will be there too!)


JD Lasica

Twitter name: @jdlasica - cell 925-413-3870 (staying at Hotel 71)


Francine McKenna Local to Chicago but staying at Hotel 71 May 1-2 to enable staying up late. Attending @CSMC party on the 30th. @retheauditors on Twitter cell: 312-730-4884



Click link --> SOBCon09 Program  


Click link --> Read Our Essay


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Click link --> Chicago Social Media Club PreConference Party  http://waitlistsmcchicago0409.eventbrite.com/






SOB Conference Map 2009

by Jared Goralnick, Productivity Evangelist from Washington DC


Summit Executive Center

10th floor

205 N Michigan Avenue

Chicago, IL 60601-5922

V: 312.938.2000  



Amy Ravit Korin     @interactiveAmy     Chicago chic. SOBCon is over but I want to stay in touch with my new friends!


Leave your info here and how to get in touch. Not registered yet? Go to http://www.sobevent.com/

( Use the key sobcon08 to edit the page )



Name @Twitter Notes To/From Airport
Liz Strauss   @lizstrauss I'm staying at the Hotel 71.   Checking on Thursday April 30, 2009  
Rick Jackson @czechnetz Hotel 71, April 30 - May 3  

Steve Sherlock  

@shersteve at Club Quarters, arriving Fri AM. Cell 508-717-1148  
Terry Starbucker @starbucker At Hotel 71, checking in on 4/30/09  
Chris Garrett    @chrisgarrett Also staying at Hotel 71, check in Thurs April 30th  
Bean Fairbanks @beanfair At Swissotel w/ Kristen,Thur-Sat. Then plotting w/ Lorelle/Glenda Sun night  
Stephen Smith @hdbbstephen Note to attendees: the slides from my preso with Brad Shorr are up at the SOBCon blog http://www.sobevent.com/writing-for-the-web-inside-and-out/ We are happy to answer any additional questions Cell 207-450-1736  
Michelle Vandepas @DivinePurposeMV ClubQuarters Leaving Sun Eve. Want to sightsee Sun Afternoon?  
Glenda Watson Hyatt @GlendaWH I'm staying at Hotel 71, April 29th-May4th. Looking forward to meeting everyone.  
Erno Hannink @ernohannink It's not going to happen this year, no sponsor. - Will start saving up for next year. So sorry to miss it.  
Kristen King @kristenking Rooming with Bean Fairbanks and Ebony at Swissotel. Arriving Thursday AM, departing Sunday PM. Cell is 540-220-2184; tell me who you are if you text me, please. :) Can't wait to see everyone again!  
Andi Fisher @andi_fisher  I'm staying at Hotel 71, checking in April 29th, out on May3rd. Looking forward to meeting everyone.   
Shashi Bellamkonda @shashib Staying at Hotel 71 soming in on May 1st   
Vicky Hennegan @eeus Checking in at Hotel 71 Thurs 4/30.  Attending Chicago Social Media Club event thurs night, leaving late afternoon Sun 5/3. Cell number  414-861-1710.  (Rooming w/ Cheryl Smith) Yeehaw!  Can't wait.  
Barbara Rozgonyi
@wiredprworks voice/text: 630.207.7530   
Chris Cree @ChrisCree Cell is 912-667-8055. Will be bringing Gorgeous with me!  
Becky McCray @BeckyMcCray At ClubQuaters with @SheilaS, arriving April 30.  
Mary-Lynn Foster @marylynn3 Staying at Hotel 71 and checking in on 4/30 after 5  
George Krueger @gkrue Staying at Hotel 71 and checking in on 4/30 after 5  
Lorelle VanFossen @lorelleonwp Staying with Glenda and anyone else with no smoking and WIFI when not in hotel. 918-812-0236  
Deb Brown @debworks invited by a friend to stay at her condo in Lincoln Park - 20 min bus ride away! cell phone is 641-580-0103 - looking forward to meeting all of you!   
Gail Lynne Goodwin



At Hotel 71, sharing room with Kelly Bouchard. Checking in 4/30 (arriving Midway around noon), and checking out 5/3 (departing Midway around 4pm). Cell is 720-346-4476. Looking forward to meeting you!  
Amy LeForge @EarnestOne Staying at Club Quarters, arriving April 30 in the morning.  Can't wait!!  
Cheryl Smith @cherylsmith999 Staying at Hotel 71, arriving Thu, leaving Sunday. Cell is 434.258.2448. Rooming with Vicky Hennegan. Arrive in ORD Thu 10:40 a in Terminal 2. Anyone want to share a ride into town?
L.P. "Neenz" Faleafine @NEENZ Arriving 4/30 and staying at Club Quarters (Wacker at Michigan) -- Ready to learn! :)  
Robert Hruzek @roberthruzek Arrive 4/30 early afternoon, stay at Hotel 71, leave Sat. 5/2 at 3 pm. Cell is 832-244-4888. Yee-haw, y'all!  
Lucretia Pruitt @geekmommy Arriving 4/30 - staying downtown, joining @zenaweist at Hotel 71 for 5/1 & 5/2 - not sure yet about Sunday night (I am so organized!)  
Tammy Lenski @tammylenski Staying at Hotel 71, checking in Thursday p.m., will be social media event a bit late that evening.  
Sheila Scarborough @SheilaS Staying at Club Quarters with the amazing @BeckyMcCray, arriving sometime Thursday. DM me.  
Wendy Piersall @eMom I have no idea where I am staying. :) I don't think about this stuff for another week or two!  

Sarah Merion


Arriving the morning of 4/1 and staying at Hotel 71.  Can't wait!  734-904-2061

Lewis Howes @LewisHowes Arriving 4/1 a.m. and I don't know where I am staying.   Anyone need a roomate let me know.  Cell is 314-691-3102  I am leaving Monday morning, anyone want to go to the Cubs Game with me?  
John Haydon @johnhaydon
Will be at Hotel 71. Cell Phone is 617 538 6810 - Address: 74 School Street, Waltham, MA 02452.  
David Murray
Will be staying at Hotel 71. Arriving 4/30 - Thrusday night. I got a stay 3 nights and get 25% off room rate deal. Price dropped below the $169 deal. People may want to ask for that. 480-254-6981  
Derek Halpern @DerekHalpern I haven't locked the hotel yet. Will update when I do.  
Denise Wakeman @DeniseWakeman Changed my hotel res to Hotel 71 (thx for getting a lower rate, Liz!); arriving 4/30 around 5:30 pm. Cell is 213-820-5332. I  intend to attend the Social Media event if all goes well with my flight arriving on ti  
Jon Gatrell @spatially TBD - But in Thursday @ like 10 PM :(   

Melissa Pierce


I live in Chicago! Luckyyyy 

Richard Reeve @ccseed Hotel 71, arriving Thursday 4/30, leaving Monday afternoon...  

Julie Gallaher



Hotel 71, arriving Tuesday 4/28, leaving Monday eve (first 3 nights I'm staying at the Drake.  I'll be at SMC on Thursday nt - look for me. 916-600-1033. Can't Wait!!

Kristal Kraft @kristalk Arriving very late Thursday leaving Sunday afternoon. Have reservations at Hotel 71.   Would like to share (2 Queen Beds, non-smoker), any gals interested? 303-589-2022  
Kurt Scholle @KurtScholle
I live in Chicago's western suburbs and driving in daily. Cell 630 862-7049  
Allan Schoenberg @allanschoenberg I live in the city. Looking forward to a great event.  
Theresa Carter @thelocaltourist My "job" is to help people enjoy Chicago, so please contact me with any questions about this wonderful city. Looking forward to meeting/seeing everyone!  
Phil Gerbyshak @philgerb Staying at Hotel 71 (rooming with Stephen Smith) coming in Fri 5/1 leaving Sun 5/03 afternoon. Cell/text (better than Twitter to reach me) 414-640-7445. Making a pilgrimage to Levenger store Sunday :)  
Geoff Livingston @GeoffLiving Staying at Hotel 71 - Coming in 5/1, leaving 5/3  
Charee Klimek @employerbrander Live in Chicago  
Robert Hruzek @roberthruzek I'm leaving for O'Hare at 3 pm Saturday. Anyone I can share a ride with?  

Brad Shorr


Thursday and Friday night Club Quarters, live locally. SMC on thurs pm, cell 630-363-0931

Jason Rubacky @JasonRubacky The Sax.. will be in town from the 30th until May 6th  
Karen Putz @deafmom

Chicago area



Zena Weist


Staying at Hotel 71, rooming w/ @Geekmommy - Arriving JIT on 5/1, leaving late pm on 5/3 m: 913.219.7178  
Stacy Brice @stacybrice Staying at Hotel 71--arriving Thurs, leaving Mon late afternoon. Mobile: 410-336-7711 Feel free to text, too, but be sure to let me know who you are!  
Char Polanosky @charpolanosky Arriving 5/1 and leaving 5/3.   Staying at Hotel 71.  
Jason Falls @JasonFalls Arriving 5/1 and leaving 5/3 (early). Leaving my stuff at Hotel 71.  
Amy Stillman @AmyfromMARS Staying at my apartment.  Arriving April 30 and leaving on Monday the 4th  

Jack Hayhow

Kids Trivia


Kids Trivia

Hotel 71- Arriving May 1, 10:30 AM - Departing May 3, 1:30 PM, Cell: 913-226-1787



Julie Roads @writingroads Hotel 71, cell: 413-218-6013, julie@writingroads.com (attached to blackberry at all times)  
Giovanna Garcia @imperfectaction

Hi Everyone!


I will be staying at Hotel 71 from Thursday, April 30th to Sunday, May 3rd.  Please feel free to call my cell at 949-289-5056.  Looking forward to seeing you all there!


Giovanna Garcia


Imperfect Action is better than no Action

Jason Teitelman @jaybetee Will be at Swissotel...checking in thursday and will be there through Monday!  Can't wait to meet everyone and learn a lot!!!  
Wendy Cholbi @wendycholbi Staying at Hotel Monaco (am I the only one?) 4/30 - 5/3 (surely there will be bunches of us sharing cabs to O'Hare Sunday afternoon). Email: wendy@cholbi.com. Cell: 909-240-7647. Looking forward to meeting everyone and drinking from the firehose of information!  
Jim Courtney @jimcanuck at Hotel 71; arriving on early Air Canada flight from Toronto @ 8:00 a.m. Friday. Flight home 3:30 Sunday at O'Hare.  
Jon Swanson @jnswanson Arriving Thursday, leaving at noon Saturday to get home for daughter's senior prom. Staying at Hotel 71. email jnswanson@gmail.com  
Missy Ward @missyward Staying at Hotel 71.  Arriving on 4/29.  Dinner on Thursday evening?  Email: missyward@affiliatesummit.com Cell: 407 212 6581.  



(Right-Click and hit Row/Insert Row After to add a new table row)



Need a Roommate??

Name                        @Twitter              Notes and other contact info           


Lorelle VanFossen     @lorelleonwp     May need to stay with someone in Chicago area for a few days before and after conference. No smoking WIFI.




Highlights from 2008

2008 Attendee Info The twitter list from last year.


Blog Articles About SOBCon08

The SOBCon08 Program


There's a flickr group where we can share photos from SobCon or your time in Chicago http://www.flickr.com/groups/sobcon08/ To join, add me as a flickr contact http://www.flickr.com/photos/joanna_young/ and I'll send you an invite.

http://www.debworks.com check out the labels on the lower left - several articles on SOBCon09 (and more coming) 

http://www.answerblip.com/ helping bloggers succeed online through free advertising.

http://www.rankbetterseo.com helping businesses succeed through interactive marketing and SEO


SOBCon Articles and Essay Writing

On the above page, add in your links to SOBCon articles, yours or ones you find. 

Help out by submitting your lesson plans to Lesson Plan Cloud to help out teachers around the world be more productive and share their ideas.

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