
EVENT Program

Page history last edited by lizsun2@... 15 years, 11 months ago


SOBCon08 Program



Thursday, May 1, 2008

afternoon and evening

Meet Liz at Hotel 71 — 71 East Wacker Dr. — Chicago, IL — 312 462 7080


Thursday, May 1, 2008 — 8pm to midnight

FuelMyBlog is having a FuelMyBlog meetup at

O’Callaghan’s — 29 W. Hubbard Street — Chicago, IL

(fr. Hotel 71 or CQ — west to State, north to Hubbard, west to 29 W. Hubbard — about 5 blocks)



DAY 1 — Welcome to Chicago!

Friday May 2, 2008

noon to 6:30pm

Liz will be available and many of the speakers will be around at

Hotel 71 — 71 East Wacker Dr. –Chicago, IL — 312 462 7080


Many attendees are staying next door at

Club Quarters — 75 East Wacker Dr — Chicago, IL — 312 357-6400

Add your information to this SOBConWiki so that folks can find you.


Music, Mics, and City Lights on the Water

6:30pm to 10pm


Christine Kane and Open Mic on the Lake and the River

As we leave the dock on the “Summer of George,” we’ll transition away from the travel, information, and noise to begin the weekend. Christine Kane start us off with a musical conversation. Then Open Comment Night will be a question or two. How is a blogger like a musician? Got a question you want ask? Got an observation? Bring them along. The breathtaking views from the river and lake will ensure that you’ll never forget that you’ve been to one of the most beautiful cities in the world. No worries. We’ll make sure you get a chance to enjoy them.



Details of the Cruise

6:30pm to 6:40pm Meet in lobby of Hotel 71 to walk together to the boat.

Name of the boat: Chicago Cruises, “Summer of George”

Directions: Chicago Cruises

The stairs down to the boat are located on northwest side of the Wabash St. bridge.

(North of the Chicago River between State and Wabash.)

If you walk north on State, turn right after you cross the river. It will be at the end of the block.

As you leave Hotel 71/CQ on Wacker, head left away from the lake, and go to the corner. Cross the street (Wabash). Cross the bridge. The entrance will be at the end of the bridge. A sign over the stairway reads Chicago Cruises.

6:45pm — Boat boards.

7:00pm — Boat launches.

10:00pm — Boat docks.

Dress: blogger casual (You might bring a jacket or sweater.)

Fuel: Libations — alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, hefty and healthful boat foods, and surprises. We’re awaiting confirmation on a sponsor’s contribution. Until then, it’s a cash bar. The food is complimentary.

Parking: $5 validation for parking at 441 N. Wabash, Chicago IL — 312 819 5050 (2 blocks north)

After Cruise: Meet at the Emerald Loop 216 N Wabash, just south of the Wacker Bridge on the right





Saturday May 3, 2008



Location: The Summit Executive Center — 205 N Michigan, 10th Floor, Chicago, IL, — 312 938 2000

Directions: As you leave Hotel 71/CQ on Wacker, head right toward the lake to the corner, turn right on Michigan. It’s

2 blocks south of the Chicago River on the east/left side of the street.

Facility: a fully-functional business environment with executive chairs and conference tables, wi-fi is included.

Dress: Blogger Casual

Parking: Parking is available at 233 N. Michigan Avenue for $22.00 weekday/$14.00 weekend (2-12 hours). New charge each time you move your car. Rates may change without notice. Parking is also available at area hotels.




8:00 - 8:30 Registration/Breakfast – continental breakfast of delicious and healthful choices


8:30 - 8:35 Welcome, Introduction of Founders & Sponsors – Terry Starbucker

8:35 - 9:10 Managing Your Online Reputation – Anita Bruzzese

9:10 - 9:20 How the Sessions Work: - Liz Strauss


9:20 - 9:40 Online Business Models that Work - Brian Clark

9:40 - 10:10 Online Business Models -Mastermind Teams


10:10 - 10:20 Morning Break and Snacks


10:20 - 10:40 What’s Your Promise? - Lorelle VanFossen

10:40 - 11:10 What’s Your Promise? - Mastermind Teams


11:10 - 11:30 More Bang from Your Blog - Chris Garrett

11:30 - noon More Bang from Your Blog - Mastermind Teams


noon -12:40 Catered Delicious and Healthful Buffet Lunch


12:40 -1:00 START Selling - Dave Bullock

1:00 -1:30 START Selling - Mastermind Teams


1:30 - 2:00 New Media Communities - Chris Brogan

2:00 - 2:30 New Media Communities - Mastermind Teams


2:30 - 2:40 Afternoon Break


2:40 - 3:00 The Irresistible Offer - Liz Strauss

3:00 - 3:20 The Irresistible Offer - Mastermind Teams


3:20 - 4:00 When Your Business Takes Off - Wendy Piersall

4:00 - 4:30 Feedback, Sunday Schedule Update, & Closing Terry and Liz


4:30 - 5:45 Sponsor Reception. Meet the sponsors in casual conversation. Have a chance to talk to the people who made this event possible

4:30 - 6:00

Network Solutions SEO and design consults by appointment.

Dinner and night on the town on your own -- but you might not be hungry when you leave.

[See the Addendum for restaurant ideas and other important locations.]



Sunday May 4, 2008

Location: Summit Executive Center


8:30 - 9:00 Breakfast – continental breakfast of delicious and healthful choices


9:00 - 9:20 Debrief from Saturday

9:20 -10:00 SpeedSpeaking Challenge

Attendees will be invited to give “20-slides in five minutes” presentations. Topics and speakers will be approved before the conference. Each speaker will have 5 minutes to present in the context of 20 slides and have 5 minutes for Q&A. All slide sets will be shared with the participants.


10:00 -10:10 Morning Break


10:10 -11:40 Teams choose finalists in the “Get My Message” Contest More information on how the judging will work at the event.


11:40 - Farewells and Thank yous — Terry Starbucker


9:00 - noon Network Solutions SEO and design consults by appointment.

Time to start planning SOBCon09 . . . 








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