
2008 Attendee Info

Page history last edited by lizsun2@... 15 years, 11 months ago

Here's the info that folks shared in 2008 ...


Twitter id: Name : Staying at : Contact phone


1. @shashib : Shashi Bellamkonda : Arriving Midway Apt May2 11.10 a.m Staying at Hotel 71: cell 240-421-9223

2. @tojosan : Todd Jordan : loved the conference!: The Broad Brush: cell 636-293-9127

3. @SheilaS : Sheila Scarborough, have registered, sharing room with @BeckyMcCray at Club Quarters.

3.5 @BeckyMcCray: Becky McCray. Staying where ever Sheila tells me I am. :) 580-430-6173

4. @easton : Easton Ellsworth.

5. @joannayoung : Joanna Young registered & staying 29th to 4th, at Club Quarters, room share organised Fri/Sat. Phone (fingers crossed) is +44.7810.893825. I've compiled a list of recommendations and suggestions (from Twitterland) about things to see and do in Chicago for anyone who's got a few hours or days to spare before or after the conference... Chicago Recommendations And Suggestions

6. @tammylenski : Tammy Lenski.

7. @eeUS : Vicky Hennegan Registered. staying at Club Quarters & sharing room with Ruth Sylte. Coming in Thurs about 2pm. Cell number 414.861.1710

8. @shersteve : Steve Sherlock; shersteve@gmail.com : have registered, flying into Midway, staying at Club Quarters, new personal cell 508-717 1148; work cell 617 - 212 - 2539.

9. @blogsquad : Denise Wakeman, denise@blogsquad.biz, cell: 213-820-5332, arriving Friday afternoon around 3 p.m. from Los Angeles. Have registered and staying at Courtyard Marriott River North on E. Hubbard. Got a deal on Priceline because Club Quarters was fully booked. There are rooms for $159 at the Club Quarters at 111. W. Adams. The Marriott is closer and I got it for $125. Looking forward to seeing y'all there.

10. @jerikpotter : J. Erik Potter is heading on over for the big event. Carpooling with Tim Johnson and Pete Jones. Courtyard Chicago Downtown

11. @hdbb_stephen : Stephen Smith : staying at Club Quarters, arriving on 1 May, looking to get together Thurs eve to network - will be attending this http://tinyurl.com/4wfsmr; Fri day morning I will be heading over to 111 State St to the Levenger store for pics and Circa goodies! My cell is 207-450-1736, e-mail stephen at hdbizblog dot com

12. @pitchyourbiz : Bryan Kress  is driving up from St. Louis and staying with family 20 minute away. If someone needs to carpool call me at 847.971.1001.

Here is a link to google maps with the different places we will be at http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=114902827751803578809.00044b432da9eae2b0a69&ll=41.880857,-87.623327&spn=0.008148,0.01972&z=16

12A. @wiredprworks: Barbara Rozgonyi : commuting : 630.207.7530

14. @thomasclifford: Thomas Clifford, Corporate Filmmaker: \"Bringing Brands to Life!\" : Hotel 71 arriving Friday afternoon; : cell 860-573-4119

15. @telecommatt: Matthew Murphy: Club Quarters : Arriving Friday afternoon : 6123287776

16. @dalka : David Dalka of Chicago : staying at my apartment in Wrigleyville here in Chicago in 60657 - if someone needs a couch to sleep on due to budget constraints let me know!

17. @jpetersen : Jesse Petersen - Editor : staying at Club Quarters, arriving at O'Hare on May 2 at 10am-ish, depending on the airline. Leaving Sunday afternoon with Starbucker for our flights out. Best way to reach me is via cell or TXT - 813.316.8909

18. @starbucker:Terry Starbucker - arriving about 4PM on Thursday May 1 - hosting casual "meet up" at 5PM at


Bella Bacino's 75 E. Wacker, right near Club Quarters & Hotel 71- let me know if you will be there! Going to Fuel My Blog event that evening at 8PM. Staying at Hotel 71. JJL meet-up at 4PM Friday. Going on boat cruise on Friday night, MCing event on Saturday, flying home late Sunday afternoon. My cell is 914-263-5278

19. @soniasimone: Sonia Simone (Remarkable Communication). I think I'm getting in Thursday eveningish, not too late. Can't wait to meet you all! Cell is 303-931-9887.

20. http://twitter.com/carpefactum: Timothy Johnson (carpefactum.typepad.com). I'm staying at the Courtyard Marriott as well (didn't get the priceline deal but oh well). Pete Jones and Erik Potter are traveling with me. We'll be arriving around noon on Friday. Cell (or text) 515.988.6664

21. @kristenking: Kristen King (Inkthinker), rolling in Friday morning and staying at Club Quarters w/Joanna. Cell 540-220-2184. Can't wait! :)

22. @communicatrix :: Colleen Wainwright (communicatrix-dot-com) :: in town Fri, 4/25 (yeah, you heard it right) :: stayin' with my homies

23. @technotheory: Jared Goralnick of Technotheory & AwayFind. Staying at a friend's; hope to find out where soon. Fri-Sun. To SMS me, use awayfind.com/jared

24. @jnswanson : Jon Swanson (levite.wordpress.com) commuting, just Saturday.

25. @annmichael: Ann Michael (Manage To Change) arriving at the Hotel 71 around 5 on Friday.

26. @das1217:David Sherbow - Arriving Friday afternoon and staying until Saturday night. No otel booked yet. Cell 443-253-4745

27. @blogstrategist : Derrick Sorles (www.businessbloggingtips.com) live here in Chicago. cell 773-206-8359

28. Michael Snell (www.newgaytravelguide.com) live here in Chicago. cell 773-206-8359

29. Karen Hanrahan aka Best of Mother Earth: www.bestwellnessconsultant.com live local, commuting - hey vicky and easton did you find roommates?? No cell. Hi Karen, am rooming with Ruth Sylte, updated cell number. Vicky How cool is that!! Thanks for letting me know.

30. Annie Teich: www.theteichgroup.net arriving late Friday morning at O'Hare, staying at Club Q. cell 336.255.8405

31. Chris Brown: (www.brandandmarket.com) arriving 10ish Friday. Staying at Club Q.

32. @scotherrick: Scot Herrick: (Cube Rules) Club Q Arriving downtown about 2 PM Friday

33. @pronoiapierce: Melissa Pierce (ThinkWithoutTheBox) living local 312.498.2590

34. @deafmom: Karen Putz (www.deafmomworld.com) Staying at a friend's house, working in Evanston Friday afternoon but done by 3:30. kputz22@tmail.com to page me.

35. I'm on twitter as @EarnestOne: Amy LeForge (EarnestParenting)

Rick Mahn36. @rickmahn: Rick Mahn (RickMahn.com) Staying at Holiday Inn Select near O'Hare Fri. & Sat. Mobile: 612.298.7289 EMail: rickmahn@gmail.com. Will be at Friday boat cruise all the way through until end of program on Sunday.

37. @chrisgarrett : Chris Garrett (chrisg.com) Staying at Hotel 71, land thurs at 13:15 and fly back Sun night 18:30 - Liz and Terry both have my cell

666. @remarkablogger Michael Martine Staying at: Courtyard Marriott on Hubbard Digits: 802-461-6137 Arriving Thursday @2pm

38. @DivinePurposeMV Michelle Vandepas - (DivinePurposeUnleashed.com) staying Club Q Arriving Fri leaving Sun - Doing live remotes on BlogTalkRadio. Love to connect! cell 719-661-7585

39. @Dawud_Miracle : (dmiracle.com)- be in early Friday afternoon. Staying Hotel 71. Got nice, late rate through Expedia. Staying over Sunday and Monday nights as well for business in town. Anyone wanting to hang after SOBCon, give me a holler.

40. @bestpets: Sarah Filipiak (bestpetsdogtraining.com) Staying with a friend, getting in late Friday night, will be there bright and early Sat. E-mail: sarah@bestpetsdogtraining.com. cell: 740-707-8210.

41. sjhopson@yahoo.com or stephen@sjhopson.com Stephen Hopson - Just arrived in Chicago Thursday AM. Meeting Joanna Young for lunch at 1.15 pm at the Chicago Architecture Foundation which is at 224 S Michigan Avenue - meet at the shop or meet me in the lobby of Club Quarters at 12:50 pm to 1:00 pm and we'll walk a few blocks together all welcome to join me and her! Wearing white EAA shirt, jeans, sneakers, hearing aid in right ear. Come right up to me and give me a hug - I won't bite! Well, maybe! LOL

Blog: www.adversityuniversityblog.com

42. no twitter (not that I use, anyway) :: Adam Kayce :: staying at Hotel 71; arriving Fri around 3:30 at Midway, train to downtown. Leaving early Sun am (8:30 flight). email cell: 304.279.5953 (if I bring it!)

43. @dereksemmler : (dereksemmler.com) Live in western suburbs but booked a room at Courtyard Marriot for Fri/Sat. Will be at the FuelMyBlog meetup Thursday night and arriving late afternoon on Friday.

44. Anita Bruzzese, (www.45things.com) arriving Friday afternoon and leaving Sunday morning. Cell: 573-499-1880. Staying at Hotel 71.

45. George and Mary-Lynn http://biggsuccess.com)">(http://biggsuccess.com) Twitter @marylynn3.  We'll arrive Friday afternoon and will stay at Club Quarters.

46. Sandy Renshaw and Jim Lindberg (http://www.purplewren.com and http://www.arounddesmoines.com) staying at Hotel 71 - arriving mid afternoon Friday 515.745.9978

47. @rmsylte : Ruth Marie Sylte (ManitouHeights.com)

48. @riasharon: Ria Sharon (www.checkmytag.com)

49. @TomCroghan: Tom Croghan (www.c2collective.com) (www.golfnoise.com) (www.commercecolor.com)



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